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Investment Banking

Image by Axel Houmadi

As an institutional investor, we apply AGI to investment banking, particularly in corporate valuation and due diligence. In corporate valuation, we analyze multidimensional information such as financial data, market data, and non-financial information in an integrated manner. AGI based on category theory can represent this information in the world of category theory and mathematically rigorously capture similarities and differences among companies. For example, the potential for value creation through changes in industrial structure or technological innovation can be derived from the relationship with similar cases in the past.

Also, in the due diligence process, a vast amount of contracts, transaction records, and compliance-related documents can be efficiently analyzed through intelligent structured processing. AGI based on category theory captures semantic relationships among documents and identifies important risk factors and value creation opportunities. Furthermore, the analysis of time-series data can be used to predict future growth potential and potential risks.

With such advanced analytical capabilities, we provide high value-added services in various aspects of investment banking, including the calculation of appropriate prices in M&A transactions, quantitative evaluation of synergies, and post-merger integration (PMI) strategy planning.​​

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01   Corporate Valuation

AGI based on category theory implements a groundbreaking approach by organically integrating financial statement analysis, market trend analysis, and non-financial information evaluation. It processes quantitative metrics such as P/E ratios, PBR, and EBITDA multiples while simultaneously quantifying qualitative elements including management strategy effectiveness, human capital quality, intellectual property value, and brand equity through advanced mathematical modeling. Furthermore, we incorporate contemporary value determinants such as ESG factors and digital transformation progress indicators.


For instance, when evaluating a manufacturing enterprise, AGI based on category theory extends beyond traditional tangible asset assessment to provide comprehensive analysis encompassing future patent portfolio valuations, R&D capability quantification, and supply chain resilience metrics. It excels in relative positioning analysis within industries and quantifying geopolitical risks in cross-border M&A scenarios.

02   Due Diligence

AGI based on category theory employs state-of-the-art document analysis systems that combine categorical natural language processing with categorical deep learning algorithms. This sophisticated system efficiently processes and structures information from diverse document types, including contracts, financial statements, transaction records, intellectual property documentation, and compliance reports.

The AGI's advanced contextual understanding capabilities set it apart. In contract analysis, it goes beyond surface-level clause verification to perform cross-contract consistency checks and predictive risk factor analysis. In financial due diligence, it conducts advanced analyses including accounting treatment validity assessments and fraud detection protocols.

03   M&A

AGI based on category theory brings innovation to M&A synergy effect prediction through sophisticated modeling. Utilizing a comprehensive database of historical transactions while accounting for industrial structural changes and technological innovations, we achieve highly accurate synergy quantification.


In cross-border M&A scenarios, AGI based on category theory predicts synergy effects while considering cultural integration challenges and regulatory environment variations. For PMI planning support, we provide quantitative assessments of specific measures and their effects at each integration stage.

Image by Robert Bye


The exigent crisis of anthropogenic climate change demands a multi-disciplinary approach, combining the expertise of climatology, atmospheric physics, environmental science, and now, the realm of artificial general intelligence (AGI). AGI, defined as machine intelligence with the ability to understand, learn, and apply its knowledge across a broad array of tasks, surpassing human cognitive capacity in most economically valuable work, presents a novel vector for addressing the intricacies of climate change.



The 2020s heralds a new epoch in the annals of global economics, characterized by the pervasive influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As we traverse this decade, we are witnessing a paradigm shift in economic structures, driven by the rapid proliferation of AI technologies.


The world of finance is no stranger to disruption. From the advent of electronic trading to the rise of fintech, technology has continually reshaped how we value assets, assess risk, and make investment decisions. Today, we stand on the precipice of another seismic shift, driven by the burgeoning field of artificial intelligence (AI). No longer confined to the realm of science fiction, AI is rapidly transforming the complex and often subjective fields of corporate and intellectual property (IP) valuation.

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We are a "Qualified Institutional Buyer" defined by U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and a "Qualified Institutional Investor" defined by Financial Services Agency.

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