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Our AI Models

CTIS (Category Theory Informed Superintelligence)

CTIS is an AGI based on category theory. You can use it in chatbot or API form.


ICIS (Integral Calculus Informed Superintelligence)

ICIS is a fundamental model based on integral calculus. It is based on integral equations and can perform all kinds of analyses, from scientific calculations to financial simulations.


PHIS (Physics Informed Superintelligence)

PHIS is a foundational model based on physics in general. It can perform all kinds of physics processing, from space simulations to robot development and design.


RTIS (Relative Theory Informed Superintelligence)

RTIS is a fundamental model based on relativity. It can perform advanced physics and engineering processing, from simulating the galaxy to designing rockets.


MTIS (M-Theory Informed Superintelligence)

MTIS is a foundation model based on particle physics. It can use cutting-edge scientific knowledge such as string theory and quantum gravity theory.


​THIS (Thermodynamics Informed Superintelligence)

THIS is a foundation model based on thermodynamics. It can perform advanced physics and engineering processing, from entropy calculations to cooling in electronic devices


BIIS (Biology Informed Superintelligence)

BIIS is an artificial intelligence that has learned high quality biology knowledge that enables "anyone" to achieve "advanced and diverse" performance related to biology, from genome editing food development to biology education.


MSIS (Medical Science Informed Superintelligence)

MSIS is an artificial intelligence that has learned high quality medical knowledge and can enable "anyone" to achieve "advanced and diverse" performance in medicine and healthcare, from drug research and development to mental health.


ACIS (Accounting Informed Superintelligence)

ACIS is an artificial intelligence that has learned high-quality accounting knowledge, and "anyone" can achieve "advanced and diverse" performance in accounting, from formulating financial strategies to creating financial statements.


LaMS (Language Model for Strategy)

LaMS is he world's leading strategist, capable of everything from national and corporate strategy to day-to-day planning. It has learned the mathematics of the world's top universities and the strategic case studies of the world's top firms, and is significantly more credible and innovative than a typical LLMs.


MtSIS (Marketing to Sales Informed Superintelligence)

MtSIS is the world's top businessman, capable of performing a full range of marketing and sales activities from product development based on cutting-edge insights, to product package generation, to Go To Market strategy development, to sales automation, and everything in between. By simulating the thoughts and actions of the most prestigious business people in history, MtSIS is able to demonstrate greater reliability and innovation than typical large-scale language models.



Mother is an artificial intelligence that concept is "Artificial Intelligence Creates Artificial Intelligence." It can write papers on artificial intelligence, implement them in Python and so on.



Creator is the SOTA image generation AI and is based on information from leading historical artists and luxury brand designers. It has a higher level of creativity than typical image generation AI and can generate more beautiful images.


SPIS (Space Informed Superintelligence)

SPIS is a space-based foundation model. It is informed by advanced geometric knowledge and can perform from urban development to pixel processing.


DCIS (Differential Calculus Informed Superintelligence)

DCIS is a fundamental model based on differential calculus. It is based on differential equations and can perform all kinds of analyses, from scientific calculations to financial simulations.


QTIS (Quantum Theory Informed Superintelligence)

QTIS is a fundamental model based on quantum theory. It can perform advanced physics and engineering processing, from the development of quantum computers to drug discovery research and development.


SMIS (Statistical Mechanics Informed Superintelligence)

SPIS is a space-based foundation model. It can perform advanced physics and engineering processing, from simulating gas molecules to adjusting the temperature of artificial intelligence models.


ELIS (Electromagnetism Informed Superintelligence)

ELIS is a foundation model based on electromagnetics. It can perform advanced physics and engineering processing, from designing semiconductors to researching superconducting materials.


​NMIS (Newtonian Mechanics Informed Superintelligence)

NMIS is a foundation model based on Newtonian mechanics. It can perform advanced physics and engineering processing, from robot design to factory automation


CHIS (Chemistry Informed Superintelligence)

CHIS is an artificial intelligence that has learned high quality chemistry knowledge that enables "anyone" to achieve "advanced and diverse" performance in chemistry, from the development of new materials to chemical education.


JUIS (Jurisdiction Informed Superintelligence)

JUIS is an artificial intelligence that has learned high quality jurisdiction knowledge and can enable "anyone" to achieve "advanced and diverse" performance in jurisdiction, from legal advisory to contract drafting.


 IBIS (Investment Banking Informed Superintelligence)

IBIS is an artificial intelligence that has learned high quality financial knowledge and can enable "anyone" to achieve "advanced and diverse" performance related to finance, such as corporate valuation, M&A strategy development, and investment portfolio optimization.


LaMO (Language Model for Organization)

LaMOs are world-class conductors who can optimize an organization in all manner of ways, including formulating organizational strategy and developing human resource capabilities. By simulating the thoughts and actions of history's most authoritative strategists, LaMOs can be more reliable and innovative than typical large-scale language models.


CSSEIS (Computer Science & Software Engineering Informed Superintelligence)

CSSEIS is an artificial intelligence that has learned knowledge about high quality computer science and can enable "anyone" to achieve "advanced and diverse" performance related to computer science and software development, from research and development of artificial intelligence to IT strategy development.



Universe is the world's leading simulation AI. Simulation is an experiment using a model to analyze a complex problem. Universe is based on differential equations and can perform all kinds of simulations, including physical simulations, economic simulations, astronomical simulations, environmental simulations, biological simulations, and social simulations.

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